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Orchestra & Large Ensemble
TECHNO-UTOPIA (2025) - 30'
soloist (piano; synthesizer; intelligent instruments) and large symphony orchestra
commissioned by BBC Radio 3 for the BBC Philharmonic and by the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra pno+synth+stacco/hp/strings
Silicon (2022) - 40'
large symphony orchestra and electronics
for the BBC Philharmonic. Premiered 29/10/2022 cond. Vimbayi Kaziboni
Silicon Mind (2020) - 15'
symphony orchestra
​Warp (2021) - 11'
piano and symphony orchestra
for the BBC Philharmonic and Joseph Havlat (soloist). Premiered 11/11/2021 cond. Vimbayi Kaziboni solo/strings
Spheres (2021) - 5'
string orchestra
for the BBC Philharmonic. Premiered 11/11/2021 cond. Vimbayi Kaziboni
​​Jumpcut/Longshot (2018/19) - 16'
wind orchestra
for the Southampton Concert Wind Band. Premiered 19/05/2019 cond. Calum Gray
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Chamber Ensemble
Tui (2024) - 10'
soprano, flute, violin, cello, percussion, and electronics
commissioned by RNCM PRiSM for International Contemporary Ensemble. Premiered May 2024 at Roulette, Brooklyn.
Gravity (2021) - 21'
string quartet
commissioned by the Echea Quartet. Premiered in at 1901 Arts Club, June 2021
Chromodynamics (2020-21) - 10'
11-part ensemble
for Ensemble 10/10. Premiered October 2021 at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall cond. Robert Ames
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Alter (2019) - 12'
mezzo-soprano and ensemble
commissioned by the Barbican Centre for the Britten Sinfonia with Marta Fontanals-Simmons cond. William Cole
premiered Milton Court, November 2019
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Three Entistatios (2019) - 13'
12-part ensemble
written for the BBC Philharmonic cond. Jack Sheen. Premiered in MediaCityUK, June 2019
string quartet
written for the Elias Quartet. Premiered at Wigmore Hall, May 2019
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The Walls Do Not Fall (2018) - 9'
mixed octet
written for the Berkeley Ensemble. Premiered November 2018 cond. Quentin Poole
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Unsteady Ground (2018) - 13'
mixed jazz/classical ensemble
Lines Between (2018) - 10'
clarinet, cello and piano
written for the Tritium Trio
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Solo and Duet
content (2024) - 27'
saxophone and electronics
commissioned by David Zucchi, supported by Jesus College, Oxford
Post-Singularity Songs (2023) - 25'
soprano and electronics
commissioned by Stephanie Lamprea, supported by Jesus College, Oxford
gleam (2022) - 3'
two violins
written for Aliayta Foon-Dancoes and Emily Earl
Phoenix (2021) - 5'
drum kit and sample pads
commissioned by the Royal Academy of Music
Shadow Music (2017 rev. 2019) - 7'30
two alto saxophones
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Mutate (2019) - 9'
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Invisible Horizon (2018) - 4'
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Of Necessity (2018) - 4'30
singing violist
commissioned by Katherine Clarke
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